Blender Koorso Lowpoly style

About Course
Free Blender course that is on Somali. Learn Blender and make Lowpoly landscape with happy colors. The course is over 145 minutes of videos. And if you want to download the full file with animation and render you can get it. enjoy the course. 👍
Course Content
Koorso Hordhac
Blender Koorso Qaybta 1’aad Dhul
Blender Koorso Qaybta 2’aad Geedo
Blender Koorso Qaybta 3’aad Dhagax
Blender Koorso Qaybta 4’aad Buundo
Blender Koorso Qaybta 5’aad Dab iyo teendho pt1 iyo pt2
Video Dheeri ah
File iyo Animations
Student Ratings & Reviews
Wali ma arag course somali ah oo lagu sharxayo blander tan ayaa iigu horeysay. mahadsanidiin bahda sheerxirfad.
Mansha Allah wll waxaad tahay qof aqoon fiican uleh software kan waxaan rajeynayaa inaad ka soo diyaariso koorso dhamaystiran oo bilaw ilaa heer sare ah. nin Alle wax barey baa tahay wll Allah haku barakeeyo.
Omer mohamed omer ( instructor sheerxirfad)
Omer mohamed omer ( instructor sheerxirfad)