Mobile Video Editing Course

About Course
Kooriskaan waa kooris Video Editing waxa lagu barana Mobile gacanta nooca aw doona ha ahaada sida ( Android and iPhone), Waxaad ku baran doontaa sida aad u sameyn lahayd muqaalo tayo leh iyo jarjarida codad adigoo isticmaalaya Moobilkaaga gacanta.
Course Content
Introduction To Mobile Video Editing
Lesson 1: You will learn how to download the Capcup Application
05:00Lesson 2: You will learn to understand the Interface Capcut Application
09:00Lesson 3: You will learn how to change the Retio hotel before you start editing
04:00Lesson 4: You will learn how to cut videos
06:00Lesson 5: You will learn how to use Speed Video
04:00Lesson 6: You will learn how to use Animation
06:00Lesson 7: You will learn how to use Stickers
06:00Lesson 8: You will learn how to use voices
15:00Lesson 9: You will learn how to use Green Screen
08:00Lesson 10: You will learn how to use texts
11:00Lesson 11: You will learn how to integrate sounds and texts
10:00Lesson 12: You will learn how to use Effects
06:00Lesson 13: You will learn how to use color correction
08:00Lesson 14: You will learn how to use mask and canves
06:00Lesson 15: You will learn how to make a Reverse Option
05:00Lesson 16: You will learn how to make an overlay
08:00Lesson 17: You will learn how to use Key Frame
06:00Lesson 18: You will learn how to save videos and how to use the cover
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