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Take-off and Bill of Quantity Preparation Level 1


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Video Tutorials


Course Content

Section0: Introduction.

Section 1: Taking off Sub-Structure Measurements.

Section 2: Taking off Super-Structure Measurements.

Section 3: Bar schedule for Substructure and Superstructure.

Section 4: Bill of quantity Preparation.

About Course

Ku soo dhawow koorsada “Take off & Bill Of Quantitiy Preparation”! Koorsadan waxaa loo diyaariyey in lagugu baro xirfadaha iyo aqoonta aasaasiga ah ee lagama maarmaanka u ah si sax ah u cabbiraadda iyo qiimeynta shaqooyinka dhismaha ee qaybaha hoose (Substructure)  iyo qaybaha sare(Superstructure), iyo in la diyaariyo dukumentiyada (BOQ). Dhamaadka koorsadan, waxaad ku xeel dheeraan doontaa soo saarista cabirada ee dhamaan waaxyaha Dhismaha , abuurista jadwalka biraha, iyo diyaarinta dukumentiyada BOQ ee muhiimka ah ee qiimeynta mashruuca, soo iibsiga, iyo maamulida qandaraasyada.

What Will You Learn?

  • You will learn :
  • Project Understanding
  • Measurement and Quantification of Construction Works
  • Bar Schedule Creation
  • Preparation of Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

Material Includes

  • Vedeos
  • Dwg file
  • Pdf File


  • Waa in Excell kugu jiro laptopka iyo so kale autocad lkn muhiim maahan


  • Engineers
  • Engineering student
  • any one Else


Hamze Omar
0 /5

2 Courses

Waxan ahay xamse cumar xirfad ahan ku shaqeeya Construction site engineer so kale sameya Graphic design iyo webdesign Run gareeya Youtube Channelka Ilabaro institute 

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Enrollment validity: Lifetime

Material Includes

  • Vedeos
  • Dwg file
  • Pdf File

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