English Grammar Course
About Course
Complete English Grammar Course waa koorso aad ku baran doonto naxwaha luuqadda Ingiriiska oo dhamaystiran, waxaana bixinaya Ahmednor Hassan Qayre oo ahaa Bare luuqadda Ingiriiskaa Ku dhowaad 10 sano.
koorsadaan waxaa loogu talagalay qofkast oo wax uga bilaabanyihiin luuqadda islamarkaana doonaya in uu barto sida saxda ah ee loo qoro, loogu hadlo, loona fahmo,
Course Content
verb to be
- 19:36
Exercise one: verb to be
04:53Exercise two: Answers
First Tense: simple present
Second Tense: present Continuous
Third Tense: Simple Past
Fourth Tense: Past continuous
fifth Tense: Simple future
Sixth Tense: present perfect
Seventh Tense: past perfect
Eighth Tense: Present perfect continuous
Ninth Tense: past perfect continuous
Tenth Tense :future continuous
Eleventh Tense: future perfect
Twelfth Tense: future perfect continuous
Eight Parts of Speech
conditional sentences
Passive Voice
Question Tags
reported Speech /indirect speech
short forms and short answers
prefix and suffix
comparatives and superlatives
countable and uncountable nouns
as….as comparison
wished and regrets
phrasal verbs
Student Ratings & Reviews
my understanding of the language has changed a lot i really enjoyed the way teacher explained the course to as