Dooro Midaad Ka Hesho
Qeybta iyo Bilaabida Barashada.

( 0 Qiimeyn )

Computer Application – Full Course


( 0 Qiimeyn )

Heerka Koorsada


Wadarta Saacada

7h 35m

Casharrada Fiidiyowga


Nuxurka Koorsada

All about Windows

  • 08:00
  • 04:00
  • 03:00
  • What is the Interface of Windows?
  • What are the parts of the Taskbar?
  • Turning on a Computer
  • How do I manage Windows Start Menu?
  • What are the 4 steps to start a Computer?
  • How to input Password on Computer?
  • Change Desktop Background and Colors
  • How to Move the Taskbar?
  • Lock and Unlock the Taskbar
  • How to set your time and time Zone ?
  • How do you Minimize a program in Windows?
  • Knowing special icons of the Computer
  • Show Desktop icons in Windows

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Access

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Publisher

Ku saabsan Koorsada

Course-kan waxa loogu tala galay qofka aan hore usoo baran Computer-ka ama qofka hore usoo bartay, kadibna ilaawey ee raba in uu dib ugu ceshado.

Xirfadaha aad ku baran-doonto inta uu Course-kani socdo waxa ka mid ah, barashada sida uu Computer-ku u shaqeeyo, qeexitaanka dhabta ah ee Computer-ka, taariikhda Computer-ka, isticmacmaalka Software-ka Computer-ku shaqeeyo iyo guud ahaan qaabka Computer-ka loo isticmaalo.

Sidoo kale, Course-kan waxa aad ku baran-doontaa dhammaan Softwares-ka mihiim-ka ah ee uu ubaahan-yahay qofka computerka adeegsanayaa sida, Microsoft Word,Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Publisher.

Marka aad Course-kan dhameyso waxa aad awood u yeelan doontaa in aad si aqooni ku dheehan-tahay ugaga shaqeyso, Schooladda, Jaamacadaha, Goobaha ganacsiga, Madaarada iyo goobaha kala duwan ee Dawladda.

Hadii aad inta uu Course-kani socdo ku dedaasho in aad hab wanaagsan u barato, waxa aad awood u yeelan doontaa in aad xirfadan ganacsigaaga ku horumarisid.

Hadaba hadii aad raadineysay albaabka u horeeya ee laga galo barashada culmuumta Computer Science-ka, halkani waa halkii aad ka bilaabi lahayd ee hada isdiwaan-gali.

Wax Badan Muuji

Maxaad ku baran doontaa?

  • About Microsoft Windows 
  • The Star menu
  • Taskbar
  • Cortana
  • Control panel
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Using task view
  • About Microsoft Word
  • Open, close, read, save, and use the Tell Me assistant in Microsoft Word.
  • Edit text in Word using Cut, Copy, and Paste, and Find and Replace tool.
  • Format text in Word using font formatting, text case, and styles.
  • Basic Excel Skills
  • The SUM Formula.
  • The SUM function in Excel allows you to easily find the total of any number of values that you've selected.
  • The Average Formula
  • Sorting Data
  • Find and Replace.
  • About Microsoft Access
  • What Microsoft Access is, what it's used for, database terminology, benefits of a database.
  • Planning your database, tables, fields in each table.
  • Create a new blank database file, Access Interface, Tabbed Documents and Overlapping Windows.
  • About Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Slide Basics Learn the basics of working with slides.
  • Text Basics Learn how to cut, copy, paste, and format text.
  • Applying Themes Learn how to apply a theme to your slides.
  • Applying Transitions Learn how to apply transitions to your slides.
  • About Microsoft Publisher
  • What Is Microsoft Publisher?
  • How to Create a New Document in Publisher.
  • How to Add New Text in Publisher
  • How to Edit Existing Text in Publisher.
  • How to Add Pictures to a Publisher Document.
  • How to Save in MS Publisher

Qalabka waxaa ka mid ah

  • Course Book
  • Videos FHD
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of Completion


  • Smart phone
  • Table
  • Laptop


  • Final year high school students.
  • High school graduates.
  • University graduates.
  • Tech enthusiast.


Abdinajah Abdikarim
4.17 /5

3 Koorsooyin

My name is Abdnajah,based on Hargeisa. Public figure, entrepreneur. Founder of Waafi Academy. 

Qiimaynta Ardayga & Faallooyinka

Wali Dib U Eegis Ma Lahan
Wali Dib U Eegis Ma Lahan
ansaxnimada diiwaangelinta: Waqtiga nolosha

Qalabka waxaa ka mid ah

  • Course Book
  • Videos FHD
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of Completion

La wadaag
Wadaag Course
Isku xirka bogga
La wadaag Baraha Bulshada

Ma doonaysaa in aad hesho ogaysiisyada riixitaanka ee dhammaan hawlaha waaweyn ee goobta?