About this course
About The Course
Have you always wanted to learn web development but didn't know where to start? Tired of lengthy, boring and outdated courses? This course is for you.
A fun, comprehensive and beginner-friendly course that teaches you all the skills you need to build professional-quality websites with HTML5 and CSS3.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to…
Confidently build websites with HTML5/CSS3
Build websites that look great on any screen or device
Troubleshoot issues like a pro
Deploy your websites to the cloud.
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Section 1: Introduction
3 Parts
2. Who is This Course For?
3. What You Need
Section 10. Writing Clean and Maintainable CSS
5 Parts
1. Introduction
2. CSS Best Practices
3. CSS Variables
4. Object Oriented CSS
5. BEM Technique
Section 9. Transformations, Transitions and Animations.
6 Parts
1. Introduction
2. Transformations
3. 3D Transformations
4. Transitions
5. Animations
6. Reusable Animations
Section 8. Forms
15 Parts
1. Introduction
2. Creating Basic Form
3. Styling Forms
4. CSS Frameworks
5. Text Fields
6. Data Lists
7. Dropdown Lists
8. Checkboxes
9. Radio Buttons
10. Sliders
11. File Inputs
12. Grouping Related Fields
13. Hidden Fields
14. Data Validation
15. Submitting the Form
Section 7. Images
7 Parts
1. Content Images
2. Background Images
3. CSS Sprites
4. Data URL's
5. Clipping
6. Image Filtering
7. Font Icons
Section 6. Typography
7 Parts
1. Introduction
2. Styling Fonts
3. Embedding Web Fonts
4. Font Services
5. System Font Stack
6. Spacing
7. Formatting text
Section 5.Layouts
10 Parts
1. Introduction
2. Box Model
3. Sizing Elements
4. Overflow
5. Measurement Units
6. Positioning
7. Flexbox
8. CSS Grid Layout
9. Hidden Elements
10. Media Query
Section 4. CSS Basics
12 Parts
1. Introduction
2. Providing CSS
3. Normalize CSS
4. CSS Selectors
5. Pseudo Class Selectors
6. Pseudo Elements
7. CSS Specificity
8. CSS Inheritance
9. Colors
10. HTML Gradients
11. Borders
12. Shadows
Section 3. HTML Basics
11 Parts
1. Introduction
2. Text
3. HTML Entities
4. Links
5. HTML Images
6. Videos and Audio
7. HTML Lists
8. HTML Tables
9. HTML Containers
10. Semantic Elements
11. Structuring of Web Pages
Section 2. Web Development Fundamentals
6 Parts
1. Introduction
2. Languages and Tools of Web Development
3. How Websites Work
4. HTML Basics
5. CSS Basics
6. Formatting The Code
Section 11. Building the Project
37 Parts
1. Introduction
2. Setting up the Project
3. Color Palette
4. Typography Component
5. Links Component
6. Badges Component
7. Lists Component
8. Icons Component
9. Buttons Component
10. Input Components
11. Input Group Component
12. Cards and Plans Component
13. Popular Badge Component
14. Media Component
15. Quotes Component
16. Grid Component
17. Testimonials Component
18. Callout Component
19. Collapsible Component
20. Blocks Component
21. Navbar Component
22. Hero section Component
23. Domain Block Component
24. Plans Block Component
25. Features Component
26. Showcase Component
27. Testimonials Block Component
28. Footer Component
29. Putting it all Together
30. Layout Issue
31. Callout Issue
32. Animating Components
33. Search Engine Optimization
34. HTML and CSS Validation
35. Building for Production
36. Pushing to GitHub
37. Deployment

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