Waa Koorso u diyaarsan habkii aad u xisaabin lahayd qarashadka dhismaha adiga oo ku baran doona habka loo soo saaro Volume-ka (muga), Area-da ( baaxada)
This course provides the core of the Linux operating system, and it is essential for individuals interested in learning about technology. We will discuss
Kooraskani waa mid lagu baran doono Software-ka Autodesk Revit Architecture. Kooraskani waxa uu ardaygu isticmaali doonaa Building Information Modelling
Koorsadaan waxad ku baraneesaa barashada dhulka noocyadiisa kala duwan. waxad si gaar ah u baranee macdanta dhulka ku jirto, biyaha dhulka laga helo iyo
Fundamentals of RADAR Communication is important course which covers; Principle of the RADAR, Radar Classifications, Component of the RADAR and much more.