Dooro Midaad Ka Hesho
Qeybta iyo Bilaabida Barashada.

( 0 Qiimeyn )

Fundamentals of Linux Operating System


( 0 Qiimeyn )

Heerka Koorsada


Wadarta Saacada

2h 30m

Casharrada Fiidiyowga


Nuxurka Koorsada

Module 1: Outline Introduction to Linux, Installation, and Software Packages

  • 11:39
  • 02:43
  • Hypervisor and Downloading VM-Workstation
  • Ubuntu Downloading
  • Linux Ubuntu Installation Part-I
  • Linux Ubuntu Installation Part-II
  • 01:28
  • Desktop Environment
  • Ubuntu Settings
  • Linux Updates and Installing Software
  • Shutdown Command
  • Activities

Module 2: Working Directory

Module 3: Working Files

Module 4: Linux File Structure

Module 5: System Information

Module 6: Linux Network


Ku saabsan Koorsada

This course provides the core of the Linux operating system, and it is essential for individuals interested in learning about technology.

We will discuss this topics;

  • Introduction to Linux, Installation, and software packages.
  • Working with Directories
  • Working files and file Contents
  • Linux File Structure
  • System information
  • Linux Network Commands.

Maxaad ku baran doontaa?

  • Full confident with Linux Operating System.
  • Ability to work Server systems.
  • It is increasing their skill level.

Qalabka waxaa ka mid ah

  • No Files are shared, it is learning by doing.


  • Any person like technology.
  • Future Engineering is also advantage.


Khadar Ahmed
5.00 /5

8 Koorsooyin

13 Sano oo Khibrad macalinimo leh, Jamacadaha Somaliland kasoo dhigay madooyinka Engineering ka gar ahaaan (Telecommunication), ICT-ga iyo Xisabaadka. 5 Sano ee ugu dambaysay ku shaqynaayay Qalabka Isgaadhsiinata iyo Sadaasha…

Qiimaynta Ardayga & Faallooyinka

Wali Dib U Eegis Ma Lahan
Wali Dib U Eegis Ma Lahan
ansaxnimada diiwaangelinta: Waqtiga nolosha

Qalabka waxaa ka mid ah

  • No Files are shared, it is learning by doing.

La wadaag
Wadaag Course
Isku xirka bogga
La wadaag Baraha Bulshada

Ma doonaysaa in aad hesho ogaysiisyada riixitaanka ee dhammaan hawlaha waaweyn ee goobta?