Dooro Midaad Ka Hesho
Qeybta iyo Bilaabida Barashada.

( 0 Qiimeyn )

Complete Python From Scratch


( 0 Qiimeyn )

Heerka Koorsada

Dhammaan Heerarka

Wadarta Saacada

7h 20m

Casharrada Fiidiyowga


Nuxurka Koorsada

Python Basics
how to install and configure the tools that ween need

  • 04:00
  • Basic Installation-1
  • Basic Installation python and vscode
  • Installing Ipython Optional
  • Course Files
  • Assignments

Basic Data Type
writing first code of python and common rules

Basic Variable
what is the variable how it works what you should need to know before writing a great code

String Data Type
how to write a common characters by using what we are calling a string

we will learn how the symbols work as numeric and characters

String and Built-in
we will learn the basic keyword and how we use on it

String and Built-in
we will learn more built in functions and also more keywords

Boolean Plus Operators
using the logical of true and false by compering the conditions

we will the very basic of conditional statements like if and so on

we will learn more conditional statement we will apply the real word scenarios

we will learn what is the loop and how to repeat the code till to get certain conditions

writing a block of code by using what we are calling a functions

Sequential Data Types
how to write a collection of data by using as sequences and how we arrange them

we will learn how to connect different files and also how to use what we call a library

we will learn how to know the errors and avoid the errors

Ku saabsan Koorsada

inta uu socodo Kooraskan waxaad ku baran doontaa dhamaan basic python progamming.
qeyb kasta waxa ay ka koobantahy casharo iyo challenge lagu tijaabinayo heerkaaga aqooneed isla markaasna aan si wada jir ah u xalin doono

Maxaad ku baran doontaa?

  • waxaad ku baran doonta qaabka ugu fudud e loo barto progamming
  • sida loo xaliyo caqabdaha kaa hor iman kara marka aad code qoraysid

Qalabka waxaa ka mid ah

  • PDF Files
  • practical Files


  • Sida loo isticmaalo Computer
  • Internet connection


  • dhamaan qof walba oo danaynaya / xiisaynaya inuu barto web development , AI, Machine Learning iyo Data Scientist courskani waa kaagii


Mohamud Said Jama
4.50 /5

2 Koorsooyin

Master of Science in Software Engineering Certified of CCNA R&S , MCSE Candidate and also Interested the AI Technology

Qiimaynta Ardayga & Faallooyinka

Wali Dib U Eegis Ma Lahan
Wali Dib U Eegis Ma Lahan
ansaxnimada diiwaangelinta: Waqtiga nolosha

Qalabka waxaa ka mid ah

  • PDF Files
  • practical Files

La wadaag
Wadaag Course
Isku xirka bogga
La wadaag Baraha Bulshada

Ma doonaysaa in aad hesho ogaysiisyada riixitaanka ee dhammaan hawlaha waaweyn ee goobta?