Dooro Midaad Ka Hesho
Qeybta iyo Bilaabida Barashada.

( 0 Qiimeyn )

Artificial intelligence ( OpenCV-Python )


( 0 Qiimeyn )

Heerka Koorsada

Dhammaan Heerarka

Wadarta Saacada


Casharrada Fiidiyowga


Nuxurka Koorsada

Part one: dealing with images

  • 09:01
  • Program for opening images
  • View image dimensions and pixels
  • Resize images
  • Color System Convert the image from color to grayscale
  • Button to close the program and assigning a button to save the image
  • Recognize objects in pictures and put texts

Part two: dealing with Videos

Part three: dealing with projects

Ku saabsan Koorsada

Artificial intelligence ( OpenCV-Python )
this course we will create real projects , include :

  1. Program for predicting age and gender in photos and cameras
  2. Program for compare bone fractures in pictures
  3. Program for open a camera, identify fires, and issue an alert
  4. Program for recognize objects in photos and videos
  5. Program for playing the game automatically

Maxaad ku baran doontaa?

  • Artificial intelligence ( OpenCV-Python ) 
  • =================================
  •  this course we will create real projects , include :
  • Program for predicting age and gender in photos and cameras
  • A program to compare bone fractures in pictures
  • Programming to open a camera, identify fires, and issue an alert
  • Program to recognize objects in photos and videos
  • Program playing the game automatically
  • Program to create Barcode file
  • Program to scan and read Barcode file


Cabdicasiis Xuseen
4.17 /5

3 Koorsooyin


Qiimaynta Ardayga & Faallooyinka

Wali Dib U Eegis Ma Lahan
Wali Dib U Eegis Ma Lahan
ansaxnimada diiwaangelinta: Waqtiga nolosha

La wadaag
Wadaag Course
Isku xirka bogga
La wadaag Baraha Bulshada

Ma doonaysaa in aad hesho ogaysiisyada riixitaanka ee dhammaan hawlaha waaweyn ee goobta?