This comprehensive database course covers fundamental and intermediate knowledge of SQL language and database management. Students will learn the foundational
Tag: Development
Computer Literacy & Basic Computer Skills
Welcome to our comprehensive computer skills course, where we empower learners with the fundamental knowledge and proficiency needed to navigate
Computer Hardware Beginer’s Course
This course provides foundational understanding of how computers process information through hardware and software. You will first be introduced to
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Koorsadan Monitoring and Evaluation waxaad ku baran doontaa habka si cilmiyaysan mashaariicda (Projects) loogu sameeyo Dabagal iyo Qiimayn. Waxaad Fahan
C Programming Language
Inta uu Socodo Kooraskani Waxaad ku baran doontaa Asaasiyadka Programing-ka, Waxaad kale oo aad awood u yeelandoontaa inta aad baranatso
Career Roadmap: From CV to Offer ( Baro xirfadda shaqo Raadinta, kuna guulayso shaqo )
This hands-on training is designed to provide you with a comprehensive and practical guide to navigate the job market successfully,
Fundamentals of Linux Operating System
This course provides the core of the Linux operating system, and it is essential for individuals interested in learning about technology. We will discuss this topics; Introduction to Linux, Installation, and software packages. Working with Directories Working files and file
Complete Python From Scratch
inta uu socodo Kooraskan waxaad ku baran doontaa dhamaan basic python progamming.qeyb kasta waxa ay ka koobantahy casharo iyo challenge
Android App Development Level 1 : Java Programming Language
Koorsadan waxaad ku barandoonta Java Programming Language. Waxayna midtahay Coursooyin Xiriir ah (Series) oo aad ku baranaysid sida Loo sameeyo